Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday tomorrow

Tomorrow will be the Massachusetts Primary - voting as part of Super Tuesday. We will be exit polling - I copy our press release below:

Press Release: Harwich High School to Conduct Exit Poll

Harwich High School government students will conduct an exit poll tomorrow at the Harwich Community Center polling place. The poll will be conducted during school hours from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM. We hope to interview 200-300 voters. The poll is copied below.

After conducting the poll, we will analyze the results and send out a press release tomorrow afternoon with the results. We have been conducting exit polls since 1998. For past results, see our webpage:

The Poll:

Excuse me. I am a senior at Harwich High School, and my government class is conducting an exit poll today. Could I ask you a few questions about how you voted?

Are you Republican, Democrat, or Independent?
1) Republican 2) Democrat 3) Independent/Other

If independent, which primary did you vote in today?
1) Republican 2) Democrat

Who did you vote for today?
Rep: 1) Romney
2) McCain
3) Huckabee
4) Paul
5) Other

Dem: 1) Clinton
2) Obama
3) Other

How strong do you feel about your candidate?
1) I strongly favor my candidate
2) I like my candidate, with reservations
3) I dislike the other candidates

Which one or two issues were most important to you in deciding how to vote?
1) War in Iraq/foreign policy
2) Economy/Tax policy
3) Health care
4) Character/integrity/experience
5) Immigration
6) Education
7) Abortion/Stem Cell/Gay Marriage
8) Environment/Climate Change
9) Crime/homeland security

Which of the following candidate qualities mattered most in deciding who to support today?
1) Can bring about needed change
2) Has the right experience
3) Cares about the values and issues that matter most to people like me
4) Says what he believes and is trustworthy
5) Has the best chance of winning in November

How many debates did you watch or listen to in this campaign?

Did the debates help you choose who to support? 1)Yes 2)No

When did you decide who to vote for?
1) in the last week
2) in the last month (since 1/1)
3) before that

Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Bush has done as president?
1) Approve 2) Disapprove 3) Don’t Know/No opinion


Gen: 1)M 2)F Age: 1)18-39 2)40-59 3)60+ College Degree: 1)Yes 2)No

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