Sunday, February 2, 2020

Iowa Caucuses Field Trip Day 2

After our late arrival last night, we did not start too early this morning. Leaving at 9:30, we headed to Indianola for a Warren Rally at Simpson College, but getting there 40 minutes early was not early enough to get into the hall where she was to speak. There were a couple hundred of us who were left in the lobby, so her staff had us all huddle around an impromptu soap box and eventually (30 min behind schedule) she came out to give us a brief speech, which turned out great, partly because she took just three questions and two of them were from us and one was from my nephew there with us (see video below).

After the rally, we went to downtown Indianola for a bite to eat between rallies, stopping at the old timey Corner Sundry where most got a shake from the soda fountain. (and I enjoyed a chat on the bench outside with a couple native Iowans).

Next we went back to Simpson College, to a much smaller room, for a Joe Walsh event (one of the two Republicans running against Trump). We were about half the crowd, but this may have been the best experience of the trip. Walsh gave an impassioned speech about why Republicans should vote against Trump, and then took questions for the better part of the hour, most of which were from our students (maybe 12 of us got to ask one). We were unexpectedly impressed with the former US Rep from Illinois, and appreciated the chance to interact so closely with him.

From there we headed to Des Moines, and after grabbing a bite at the most friendly and efficient Subway I have ever seen, got in line at the Hiatt Middle School for the Biden Rally. Waiting outside on a beautiful day, we had a typical Iowa Caucus experience, meeting a couple counter ralliers in their Trump Tractor, getting free Constitutions from some C-SPAN folks, meeting someone who wants to Make America Kosher Again.

Once we got inside, we got the usual parade of surrogates speaking before the candidate, some of whom were impressive, especially Iowa's two new women members of Congress. By the time the VP spoke, it had gotten very hot in the crowded gym. He gave a speech, mostly about how and why to defeat Trump, never mentioning the other Democrats in the race. As we gathered outside after, a number of media outlets interviewed various students about their experience.

We took one last shot at seeing a candidate as Amy Klobuchar was scheduled to speak at halftime at a sports bar in Johnston. It was very crowded and we got to Jethro's BBQ just as the candidate arrived. A few of us packed in to catch part of her short speech, which she gave early in the second quarter as she was rushing for a plane to take her back to DC for the trial tomorrow.

We then headed back to the hotel where we ordered pizza delivered and watched the 2nd half. Tomorrow we will be up early to get on the radio - WCAI.

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