Just got out of the Huckabee rally at the Veteran's Hall in Grinnell - now having lunch at Lonnski's. It was a large, enthusiastic crowd - maybe 250 people packed in the hall. He gave a strong populist message, emphasizing that he has been outspent 20 to 1, and that we ought to have a presidency, not a plutocracy (shots at Romney). He talked about his humble beginnings - his parents sacrificing to give him a guitar for Christmas when he was 11, and how he was the first person in his family to graduate high school as well as college. He hit on the social issues at eh heart of his campaign - pro-life and pro-marriage/family (traditional, that is). He told a long story about his son making a cake where he mistakenly put a cup of salt in it, the moral being that it's not enough to mean well, it matters what you believe. He also appealed to our obligations to our children - to stop leaving them debt and to stop making the world less peaceful and less hopeful (shot at Bush?). His supporters are true belivers, and I suspect that he will win tonight. At Emily's request, I got an autograph after!
Huckabee Rally:
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