After the redistribution, Obama won the third precinct in Johnston with 368 votes to Edwards 204 and Clinton's 197 - Clinton and Edwards flipped positions in the second vote. The counting for this round was quite odd - each precinct captain calculated their own troops by having them count off - with an independent observer watching over them. This precinct gete 15 delegates to the county conventions, so the results (for the Dems, not the Reps) are reported as delegates - Obama 7, Edwards and Clinton each with 4. This was a great event - democracy was in the air and there was a lot of enthusiasm for the process. And it still only took an hour total (not like a 3 night town meeting).
I can't say I'd recommend this process over a primary, but at least I know better now how it works.
Johnston Caucus 4:
Johnston Caucus 5:
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